InVivo Biosystems is your gateway to de-risking preclinical development, empowering the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries to unlock the full potential of zebrafish as a powerful model organism. Our seasoned team of zebrafish specialists is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and expertise to provide you with a wide range of services, including genetic manipulation, behavioral studies, high-throughput screening, and more.
More from the RapidGen™ Platform
We offer precise and targeted gene editing, enabling you to create models tailor-made for your specific research needs. By harnessing the capabilities of alternative models in drug discovery, you gain IND-enabling data sets that lead to groundbreaking discoveries in biomedical research.
Generation of disease models (either chemically or genetically) in order to determine if your lead compound(s) ameliorate disease phenotypes or affect important metabolites.
Genetically modified
Point mutation
phenotype models
Small Molecule
Library Screening
Protein Analysis
Gene Expression
– For Crispant screening, we use CRISPR to generate transient KOs (termed F0 crispants) for a gene of interest. This can be used to rapidly determine whether genes are involved in disease processes and make good targets for further discovery.
Create knockouts in the first generation
Disrupt 10-100’s genes
Protein Analysis
Gene Expression
Discover which genes are disease relevant
Screen compound libraries and biologics (up to BSL2) for effects on a variety of readouts, including gene expression, fluorescence, and morphometrics.
Genetically modified
Point mutation
Chemical models
Repurposed drug library
Protein Analysis
Gene Expression
ADME-Tox and Acute Toxicity Testing
– ADME-Tox (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion – Toxicology) involves tissue preparation for ADME analysis. Our Acute Embryo Toxicity testing meets OECD 236 guidelines. We also offer targeted hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and cardiotoxicity analysis.
Test a range of concentrations, we define concentrations such as the LD50, NOEL, and
Assess Morphological endpoints and Behavioral responses.
— Perform gene expression studies to characterize mechanisms of action.
— Provide toxicity response data in developing zebrafish at a whole transcriptome level.
As an expert in zebrafish research, our core competencies reside in the following areas:
Our phenotype-based drug discovery process utilizes zebrafish as an in vivo model to bridge the gap between cell culture and murine models. This approach allows target-independent drug discovery and emphasizes ameliorating phenotypes. As a result, efficacious drugs can be identified more quickly and cost-effectively. The zebrafish model has become highly translational due to advances in genetics, enabling reliable expression of human proteins. Our services are suitable for various projects, including:
We spend time getting to know your particular goals and specific testing needs. We advise you on whether our service is a good fit for your project.
Our team of experts go to work designing your custom project and will provide the design within 2 weeks. Our deep knowledge and experience means that we can tackle difficult genetic design problems successfully so that you can get the data you need quickly.
For new clients and new models, we run a custom pilot project. Pilot projects are quick and limited in scope, so that you can be confident that our models and assays will yield useful pre-clinical data.
After approval of a successful pilot project, we undertake the complete project. We provide you with:
• Direct contact with your project manager
• Bi-weekly updates on project status
• A final report including comprehensive data analysis and key take aways
Take advantage of our Zebrafish Knock-In service today and unlock new possibilities for your drug discovery and development projects. Get in touch with us today and tap into our comprehensive services to revolutionize the landscape of healthcare.
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