Tune in weekly to our virtual series “Seventeen Minutes of Science” every Tuesday at 11am PST / 2pm ET where we go live on Facebook with a new guest each week to talk about how science and biotechnology is woven into their lives for (you guessed it) 17 minutes!
For episode 36 of 17 Minutes of Science, we are joined by Dr. Raheel Samuel, the cofounder of wFluidx, a startup company formed in 2018 by experts in the fields of medicine, zebrafish, and microfluidics with the mission to accelerate research using zebrafish, and enable novel applications of zebrafish in applied genomics and drug discovery.
Raheel Samuel has over 11 years of experience in developing microfluidic systems for many clients with significant contributions in regard to high-throughput systems for manipulating cells and organisms. His work has benefited groups in both academic and commercial environments; including co-founding two biotech startups, where he still serves in leading R&D efforts. He is one of the co-inventors of ZEG (Zebrafish Embryonic Genotyper) that allows the ability to extract genetic material from live zebrafish embryos while maintaining embryos’ viability. Raheel enjoys developing instruments to empower life scientists in making discoveries as quickly as possible. In his spare time, he enjoys, time with his family and friends, biking, reading, cooking, and traveling.
Tune in to learn more from Raheel about his work developing tools for zebrafish.
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